Excavation of the Ε. And M. Pateropoulou-Liondaki plot

This property is situated within the Petras traditional and modern settlement, and its eastern limit is adjacent to the fence of the expropriation.

On the east half of the property there is an old house,  while the western half was a courtyard 6.50 Χ 9 m. The trial excavation, in July 2007, was limited to the courtyard.

Modern or Venitian walls came to light, followed by remains of the Late Minoan I and Middle Minoan periods. To the Neopalatial period belongs a probable terrace  wall 3.20 m. long and 1 m. wide, as well as another two, to the east, narrower, possibly with a similar function. 

The earliest traces of human occupation in this plot are dated from the Early Minoan III/Middle Minoan IA to the Middle Minoan III. They consisted of two rooms, one of them destroyed by the building of the large Late Minoan IA wall, the second one using the bedrock as its floor. To the East of the latter a floor made of plaster and sea pebbles was partially excavated. The limited space of this excavation and the scarcity of in situ  movable finds do not allow for an understanding of the the function of the various areas.

A very important find was a Late Minoan IA seal bearing a female figure and an animal.


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